Living Water Evaluation Overview
What Living Water achieved and learnt from the 10-year partnership
What Living Water achieved and learnt from the 10-year partnership
A framework to guide the planning, monitoring and evaluation approach for Living Water
We trialled physical tools, as well as approaches, processes, ways of working and system changes
This work is more than just communications and marketing, it is about engaging people and organisations on a change journey
Our approach to working with mana whenua
Breaking down barriers for our native freshwater fish
Making it easier to protect and enhance on-farm biodiversity
Integrating landscape properties and cutting-edge science to explain why water quality varies
Assessing the costs and benefits of restoring Aotearoa New Zealand’s lowland drainage network at a national scale
Digitised up-to-date environmental action plans for farmers
Engaging farmers with biodiversity on their farms
Partnering with the University of Canterbury on transforming agricultural drains into healthy waterways
Partnering with QEII National Trust to accelerate the protection of significant habitat on farms.
How the Living Water partnership and programme is organised to deliver the mahi
How Living Water made choices about where to work
How we collected information to inform decisions on what work to do
Taking a new approach to strategic planning