Farm Environment Plan App
Digitised up-to-date environmental action plans for farmers
Digitised up-to-date environmental action plans for farmers
Engaging farmers with biodiversity on their farms
Determining whether detention bunds can effectively manage peak run off and reduce sediment in Northland
Are nutrient filters a practical solution for farmers to reduce their impact on water quality?
Reducing contaminants and improving wetland habitat
Trialling ways to improve the habitat of a roadside drain
Can nitrogen fertiliser use be reduced without compromising pasture growth?
Trialling a catchment wide approach to managing drains and waterways
Helping landowners to better understand where to put contaminant management interventions to improve water quality leaving farms
A GIS-based tool to help community groups and landowers in smaller catchments to prioritise actions for freshwater improvement
Testing the usefulness of taking an ecosystems services approach for project planning
A review of options to make it easier to take action on farm
Working with landowners to acquire land for environmental outcomes
Supporting conservation activities across international borders
How to work together with differing views, backgrounds and goals for ecological restoration
Our approach to working with mana whenua
A framework to guide the planning, monitoring and evaluation approach for Living Water
Why was Living Water established? What were the challenges of establishing a partnership and what has been learned
How the Living Water partnership and programme is organised to deliver the mahi
How Living Water made choices about where to work
How we collected information to inform decisions on what work to do
Taking a new approach to strategic planning
Using simple structures to manage peak flows
Trialling a catchment wide approach to managing drains and waterways
Helping landowners to put the right tree in the right place
What can economic cost benefit analysis tell us about the value of environment improvement activities?
Testing the usefulness of taking an ecosystems services approach for project planning
Helping landowners to better understand where to put contaminant management interventions to improve water quality leaving farms
A GIS-based tool to help community groups and landowers in smaller catchments to prioritise actions for freshwater improvement
Can nitrogen fertiliser use be reduced without compromising pasture growth?
Are nutrient filters a practical solution for farmers to reduce their impact on water quality?
Reducing contaminants and improving wetland habitat
Can we control an invasive weed with Brazilian beetles?
Determining whether detention bunds can effectively manage peak run off and reduce sediment in Northland
Restoring the lake edge of Te Waihora/Lake Ellesmere
How to work together with differing views, backgrounds and goals for ecological restoration
Why was Living Water established? What were the challenges of establishing a partnership and what has been learned
See our 2022 highlights, marking 9 years of our 10 year partnership
Sediment traps are simple, low-cost excavations in a watercourse or near a waterbody that capture and reduce the downstream movement of gravel, sand, and silt.
Determining whether detention bunds can effectively manage peak run off and reduce sediment in Northland
Working with landowners to acquire land for environmental outcomes
The biggest event on the Southland calendar.